simply marrvelous
| <<-- : 10.02.03 : -->> |

1:48 p.m.

prophecyboy: can you help me?

davemarr: maybe. what do you need?

prophecyboy: i don't feel so good

davemarr: ok. tell me whats up

prophecyboy: i got involved in something i shouldn't have, i let my feelings for someone grow, when they shouldn't have, and now i lost two really good friends

prophecyboy: and now i just want to deal, and i just can't

prophecyboy: i can't ever deal with loss

davemarr: what do you mean you let your feelings grow for someone when they shouldn't have?

prophecyboy: one was in a relationship with the other

prophecyboy: i started hanging out with both of them

prophecyboy: we started sleeping together, the three of us... but they had an agreement to not get with me

prophecyboy: but one of them started to have a crush on me

davemarr: so you had an affair with one or both of them (and they are in a relationship?)

davemarr: ok

davemarr: i get it

davemarr: fucked up

prophecyboy: and the feeling was mutual

prophecyboy: but i didn't return it

prophecyboy: i pulled away

prophecyboy: and then that guy decided that he wanted to start seeing other people

prophecyboy: but the two were still together

prophecyboy: and i got jealous when i saw him with other boys... and i told him how i felt

prophecyboy: the other boyfriend found out, and now he thinks i was trying to move in on him

prophecyboy: but anyway, i fucked up

davemarr: i dont understand. what do you mean you told him how you said you pulled away

prophecyboy: i pulled away

prophecyboy: and when i got back from SF, things were bad between them

davemarr: explain " and i got jealous when i saw him with other boys... and i told him how i felt"

prophecyboy: well, when we went out a couple times, he'd bring other boys along

prophecyboy: i told him that it made me jealous to see him with other boys

davemarr: what'd he say?

prophecyboy: he told me i was never a possibility and then he had a crush on me, but doesn't now

davemarr: ok

davemarr: so...first you have to understand that open-relationships are messy

prophecyboy: i get that now, more than ever

prophecyboy: but i never thought it would get this bad

prophecyboy: and it just hurts

prophecyboy: and i don't want to be sad anymore

prophecyboy: i don't want to be angry

prophecyboy: i'm sick of being angry

davemarr: next, you should see your role in this was as a sex partner, or lover...not as a boyfriend

davemarr: you're angry/sad because you want something you cant have.

prophecyboy: but we became friends

prophecyboy: and we became close

prophecyboy: i'd hang out with them all the time

prophecyboy: i'm more sad that i lost them as friends

prophecyboy: i never really wanted anything more than that

prophecyboy: i did at one point on some level

prophecyboy: but that was where i fucked up and that was where these feelings came

prophecyboy: but i should have never entertained those feelings

prophecyboy: but i don't want to live in regret

davemarr: well...sorry will have regret and fuckups in the future.

davemarr: :-)

davemarr: thats life

davemarr: the thing need to learn the tools to not labor on the sadness too long

prophecyboy: and what are those tools?

prophecyboy: or am i suppose to figure that out myself?

prophecyboy: just wait this thing out?

prophecyboy: because i deserve it?

davemarr: no

davemarr: They are boyfriends, and they have an open relationship. that means they love each other, and sex is separate. its not connected.

davemarr: Sex is not love.

davemarr: You pulled away from the sex...and then you tested the love (via the crush, jealousy thing)

davemarr: the problem is the same - your crush and your sadness now

davemarr: its about you wanting something you cant have

davemarr: just accept that if they dont want you around, thats ok

davemarr: you shouldn't be around people who are not interested in being around you

davemarr: they cant give you what you want

davemarr: its over.

davemarr: let them move on, you move on. and learn from this.

prophecyboy: and i won't be around

prophecyboy: we've established that

davemarr: then why are you sad?

davemarr: they obviously are not your friends.

prophecyboy: because i'm so alone

davemarr: otherwise they'd want you around

davemarr:'re alone by choice

davemarr: you are surrounded by people at all times

davemarr: you are never alone.

davemarr: you just chose to not speak to the people who are near you

davemarr: or interact with them

davemarr: probably cuz you are afraid of what will happen if you dont say the right thing or do something to upset them.

davemarr: sorta like why you're still in the closet with your family.

davemarr: Here's the lesson to that fear: you can't control what people will think about you.

davemarr: never. they will think what they want. if they dont like you...too bad for them. Youre a good guy.

davemarr: They'll just miss out on that if they dont want you around.

davemarr: i think you're looking at life from the wrong perpective.

davemarr: You should know that you're great, and that people are lucky to have you around. if they dont get that, too bad for them.

davemarr: you can take your love, generosity and care elsewhere.

davemarr: Be nice to people. Help people. Offer yourself and things to people. Ask for little in return. Be who you want to be. Be honest. Communicate as clear as you can. Be a fun, engaging spirit to be around...and they will want you around too. Regardless of their phobias and issues.

prophecyboy: do you think i'm like this because i feel like i have to mourn?

prophecyboy: mourn the loss of friendship?

davemarr: no. you're being selfish.

davemarr: you are thinking about want you want to happen, not what is happening.

davemarr: the reality is that they are gone.

davemarr: but you dont want that

davemarr: so youre sad

davemarr: live in the REALITY.

davemarr: its ok that they are gone. That just makes space for something better to come along

prophecyboy: how can i get myself into that mindset?

prophecyboy: what can i do?

davemarr: look at your own self worth.

davemarr: what do you do that is really great for others?

davemarr: not watching tv :-)

davemarr: perhaps making people laugh.

davemarr: making people feel good.

davemarr: helping people.

davemarr: i dont know.

davemarr: but stop thinking about yourself and what you want.

davemarr: that will help you a lot.

davemarr: think about what others want...but only do what you are able to do. dont take on anything you can't logically handle (like a car payment or additional finances).

davemarr: call someone today and tell them something nice about them. that will lift your spirits.

davemarr: just tell them you care about them.

davemarr: maybe someone in your family. they do a lot for you.

davemarr: and send out your resume, links to it.

davemarr: get your plan moving. no one else will.

davemarr: do it for you

prophecyboy: yeah. i've been working on my resume, i just sent it to my friend who's studying HR as a career... she just sent it back with changes just now

davemarr: good

| <<-- : : -->> |

cyclists - 04.06.07
reader update - 04.04.07
read me - 03.29.07
easter sunday - 03.26.07
shutdown day - 03.23.07

� 2006 by Anthony B. Riva
All Rights Reserved.