3 days! i shit you not!
| <<-- : 05.11.03 : -->> |

9:51 a.m.

well, it's sunday, and i'm off to the gym for the third day in a row!

ficticious random reader: "whoa! 3 days? in a row? you're shittin me."

me: "no! i shit you not! 3 days!"


me: "in a row!"

ficticious random reader: "no fucking way!"

me: "yes way!"

fictisious random reader: "way..."

(extremely long pause)

me: "okay. i'm going to gym now."

ficticious random reader: "later."

so yeah. i have conversations like this in my head all the time. not just with ficticious random readers, but ficticious random boyfriends, ficticious situations, ficticious long lost family members, ficiticious long lost and rich family members who take you away give you the life you should've had.....okay, i think that's giving away too much. off to the gym i go!

| <<-- : : -->> |

cyclists - 04.06.07
reader update - 04.04.07
read me - 03.29.07
easter sunday - 03.26.07
shutdown day - 03.23.07

� 2006 by Anthony B. Riva
All Rights Reserved.