yes, it is. it's a survey
| <<-- : 05.06.03 : -->> |

3:45 p.m.

i've decided to do a survey thing. i think i've done one other before.. but here goes. it's kind of long. it took me all day. i had to come back to it a couple times. i got this from gay-n-out.


Where would you live?: san francisco

Nationality: 50% filipino, 25% italian, 12.5% native american, 12.5% english

Gender: male

Zodiac sign: cancer

Pets: pisces, the cat

Hair Color: black

Eye Color: dark brown

Hair Length: short

Dyed?: haven't in a while

Roomates: mom, brother, cousin, cat

Car: 2001 civic

Bed Time: 11pm-midnight during the week, or 1230-1am during the weekend, if i'm not out

Do you find yourself attractive?: sometimes

Do you think you are cute?: of course :P

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no

Where do you shop the most?: trader joe's

Do you have any piercings?: yes, my ears

Do you have any tattoos?: no, but i plan on getting one in the near future

Do you do drugs?: yes.

Do you drink?: yes.

What sport do you play?: i haven't played any in a long time, but i'll play football or basketball if the opportunity ever presented itself. volleball and soccer were fun in high school, too. and our company is about to play softball this summer. so that should be interesting.

What are you most scared of? dying alone, which i know will never happen.

How many phones in your house?: one land line, but the ringer's turned off. 4 cell phones.

How many TV's do you have in your house?: three.

What are you listening to right now?: "underneath it all" by no doubt. why the hell do i have KISS FM still on my radio??

What book(s) are you reading now?: jack kerouac's the dharma bums and hermann hesse's demian and narcissus and goldmund

Who are you talking to right now?: some chick who wants to register her kid for a science camp, somebody please tell her that i'm just an operator and she has to speak to a customer service representative!! arghhh.

What clothes do you sleep in?: board shorts. :P

Who is the last person who called you?: missa

If you could have 1 wish what would it be?: i'd wish that i could get my shit together and live the life that i should be living

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: the way i handle money

Who do you really hate?: hate breeds violence and it's never good to hate anyone

Do you wish on stars?: shooting stars, yes.

If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you?: me, goddamnit!

Do you like your handwriting?: sometimes.

Who do you admire?: jesus. he had some good things to say. he was all about the love and shit.

What is the #1 priority in your life?: learning and growing.

Any bad habits?: ha. yeah.

What store would you never be caught dead in?: abercrombie and fitch

If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you?: hells yeah!

Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: why is this question on almost every survey i've come across? although, a couple times, i have. once, it was to my friend who had found out she was pregnant and i had told her about another friend who was pregnant and what she did about that. it was relevant at the time and it was the only way i felt i could help out. everything was kept in confidence and i felt they were special circumstances. otherwise, i would have never told anyone.

Do looks matter?: they do to some extent. you can be the hottest guy on the face of this planet, but if we don't click, i can't be with someone like that. and you can be the greatest guy in the world, but if the sexual attraction isn't mutual, i can't be intimate with that someone. but, although, i've found myself finding personality and a good heart usually changes the way i view someone physically. it's all relative.

Do you pray?: in one form or another, yes.

Have you ever met anyone famous?: yes. a few. my favorite, you ask? alyson hannigan, she was so sweet and cute

Are you trendy?: i don't think i can afford to be trendy, but sometimes it happens, or sometimes i'm behind a trend or two

What do you do to vent anger?: i throw things

Are you passive or aggressive?: a little bit of both

Who is your second family?: missa, aisha, tine, rosie, scott, simon, linnell, jade, tal, lindy, nevaeh, and pisces the cat. (we're all one big happy dysfunctional, interracial family, whether we care to admit or not)

Do you trust others easily?: i use to. i think my lack of trust is starting to show itself in how i carry myself in social events.

What was your favorite toy as a child?: my champ bear, care bear.

What class in school did you think was totally useless?: ASB, but i loved it so!

Do you like sappy love songs?: haha.. i wouldn't be me if i didn't.

Have you ever intentionally hurt someone?: yes.

Do you like sarcasm?: yes.

Do you feel understood most of the time?: not most of the time. but enough, i guess.

Have you thought seriously about committing suicide?: yes.

Could you be a vegetarian?: i think i could do it. i was a vegetarian for forty days this year. i think i might switch back pretty soon.

Would you ever bungee jump?: maybe. i either want to do that or sky dive at least once in my life.

Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: nope.

What are you worried about right now?: my finances. which should work out pretty soon if i set my mind to it.

Do you ever wear overalls?: never! and if i ever find any photos of me in them, i'll deny them and then get rid of the evidence!

Do you think you are strong?: physically, i'm workin on it. emotionally, i think i can be. now, more than ever.

Worst feeling in the world?: feeling numb.

Best feeling in the world?: loved and cared for by friends and family. no relationship can ever top that.

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?: i need to pee.

How many rings before you answer the phone?: my phone doesn't ring. it plays the harry potter "hedwig's flight" theme.

Future children's names?: not sure yet. i need to talk to stephanie about this. i'd like us both to agree on names. i'd want the name to be an empowering one. i'd have to do research and it would depend on if it's a boy or girl. so let's not think about this for another five years or so!

What is most important in life?: learning and growing.

Do you like to drive fast?: sometimes.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: i use to. (i miss you champ bear!)

What type was your first car?: an '86 ford thunderbird

If you could meet one person dead or alive?: jesus. he was cool. all about the love and shit. i'd like to sit and talk with him for a few.

Do you eat the stems of broccoli?: hells yeah. mmmm. mini tree trunks. mmm. with cheeese. mmm.

If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: independent film maker or theatrical director, sweet jesus, that would be great!

Would you dye your hair any color?: yeah, why not?

What's under your bed?: my box spring's on the floor. so, just carpet.

Get along with parents?: sometimes. overall, yes. we get along just fine.

Who have you been friends with the longest?: my cousin, iris.

What are you thinking right now?: i need to pee.

What is your good luck charm?: my tibetan buddhist prayer ring. (om mani padme hum)

The nicest things someone has done for you?: a lot of people have done great things for me and i'm thankful for all of it.

Best thing that happened to you today: i got free cheetos from the vending machine guy


Color: red, blue, silver

Candy: reese's peanutbutter cups

TV show: buffy: the vampire slayer

Food(s): indian or japanese

Fast food restaurant: jack in the crack

Song at the moment: coldplay, "warning sign"

Place: san francisco (nine days!!)

Holiday: 4th of July, (i'm not patriotic, it's my birthday)

Thing to do on a weekend: get piss drunk and spend all my money

Number: 3,7

Radio Station: KROQ afterhours, or KCRW, sometimes

Animal: tiger

Store: Hot Topic, Urban Outfitters

Scent: candies or curve

Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip, or peanut butter cup

Teacher: Mr. Noble, that little old man was always doing something, i'd remember him running around campus.

Game: solitaire. (how sad is that?)

Saying: "fuck yeah"

Soda: diet dr. pepper

Actor: right now, it has to be james cameron mitchell in the role of "hedwig"... i can't think of anyone else right now. i'm not big on favorites.

Actress: alyson hannigan, so sweet, so cute.

Month: july

Book: like being killed, ellen miller

Restaurant: BJ's pizza and brewery

Type of music: electronic, but most everything

Music Video: michael and janet, "scream"


Album: Sarah Mclachlan, "Fumbling Towards Ecstacy"/"Surrender"

Sport to watch: baseball, if any

Juice: V8

Place to go when you have nowhere else to go: the library coffeehouse or borders

Season: summer, winter

Possession: my claddaugh ring

Breakfast food: bacon (my guilty pleasure, and the only meat i'll crave)

Place to go with friends: any bar will do, or BJ's for a pitcher

Have you ever:

Smoked?: yes

Drank?: yes

Gotten drunk?: yes

Broke the law?: yes

Stole something?: yes

Tried to kill yourself?: yes

Made yourself throw up?: yes

Been in love?: yes

Gone skinny dipping?: yes

Fallen asleep in the shower/bath?: yes

Ate ice cream with a fork?: yes

Played pin the tail on the donkey?: once.

Played spin the bottle?: no, actually.

Moved and had to leave behind all of your friends?: yes. a couple times.

Asked out the guy your friend liked?: yes.

Sent your pic to someone online you didn't know?: yes

Been on radio or television?: both, actually. i was on the news when i was a baby. my mom was waiting for my dad to arrive home at the navy shipyard, and i was in her arms. they interviewed my mom about the homecoming and they showed me on camera. i was an extra on the pilot for alex mack and in the season finale for boston public last year. i was on the radio once when i requested a song when i was in junior high. i think it was for the cure's "friday i'm in love."

Said, "I love you" and meant it?: yes.

Made prank calls?: no.

Skipped school?: yes, too many times.

Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yes.

Met the president?:

Been scared to get a shot?: i've been, yes.

Gotten a cavity?: i think i have some. which reminds me, i really need to go the dentist before all my teeth fall out.

Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch?: hahaha.... no.

Broken a bone?: yes.

Been on a plane?: yes.

Cried in public?: yes.

Climbed a tree?: yes. i use to love climbing trees. now, i climb rocks.

Fell asleep in a movie theater?: yes.

Ran away?: yes.

Pictured your crush naked?: oh yeah.

Actually seen your crush naked?: oh yeah.

Broken someone's heart: yes.

Cried when someone died?: yes, although i had forced myself to in order to not seem heartless.

Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?: god, yes.

Lied?: yes. not something i'm proud of. and it's important for me not to lie. and every time it pains me. yet, why do we still do it?

Cried at school?: yes.

Sat by the phone waiting for a call all night?: yes.

Had AOL conversations?: yes.

Saved an e-mail: yes.

Wished you were someone else?: yes.

Wished you were a member of the opposite sex?: no. i like my penis.

Wanted to look differently?: definitely. many times.

Cried because of someone's words? yes.

Do You Believe In?

Angels?: yes

Aliens?: yes, in some form

Ghosts?: sprits and spiritual energy, yes.

Heaven & Hell?: not as far as christianity portrays it, but in one form or another, then, yes.

God?: see above

Love at first sight?: lust at first sight, yes. love is a delicate issue. i'm still learning what real love really is.

Kissed on the first date?: of course.

Monsters?: yes. in some form or another

Horoscopes?: yes. to an extent. there are some things we can learn from the stars and their placement and the chance happenings of it all

Cheating?: do i believe in it? what's there to believe in? it's something that's done, it's not something that exists or doesn't? what the fuck is this about?

What or Who or When was the last...?

Noise you heard?: "and your fax number is...?"

Song you heard?: "switch" by sugababes (hehe, gotta love those UK pop girls)

Movie you saw?: i saw "X-Men" last night, half asleep....but i more notable "X2" on friday! woo hoo!

Email you read?: Subj: Someone signed your guestbook at (i love those!!! hint hint.)

Person you talked to?: davemarr :)

Time you cried?: last night

Time you laughed?: two seconds ago

Time you were in love?: it's been awhile

| <<-- : : -->> |

cyclists - 04.06.07
reader update - 04.04.07
read me - 03.29.07
easter sunday - 03.26.07
shutdown day - 03.23.07

� 2006 by Anthony B. Riva
All Rights Reserved.