| <<-- : 03.04.04 : -->> |

9:40 p.m.

tuesday. i got a most wonderful visit from amy at work. i got to meet michelle which was extra cool too. afterwards, coworker robert invited me for "a drink" and it turned out to be an all night fat tuesday celebration. i got pretty good drunk and showed my nips for tons of beads, which i gave all away to cute boys.

wednesday. i gave up breads, pasta, rice, and anything cakey (like cookies and pastries and such) for lent.

friday. hung out with dad.

saturday. my friend dennis from long beach and his coworker friend came up to visit. we hung out and had drunken debauchery all night with dennis' rad friend from chicago. much drinking and dancing ensued. we all had a craving for ghetto hiphop so we headed out to the pendulum and got our respective grooves on.

sunday. hung out with dennis and friend on haight street. first time i've really been for shopping and stuff. a ton of cool stores. came home feeling like i've spent a day at disneyland. a bunch of walking and looking, but no real activity. it was cool nonetheless.

monday. work early. then went to the golden gate bridge with dennis and friend. got to see cool sites. drove up the mountain and saw a most kickass view of the city. so fucking beautiful, i wish i had drugs! but it was nice to feel like a tourist. and then it hit me that i actually live here! and still yet so much left to discover!

tuesday. psych test which i have not yet studied for. long day of school and work. go home. watch my WB dramadies. sleep.

wednesday. work. nap. WB night.

thursday. oh, that's today! long day of school and work. turns out i ACED my psych test! goin home to lakewood tomorrow! did some laundry. bout to hang out with coworker robert on the haight. drinkin some wine, feelin good, listenin to some cool tunes that DJ paul is spinnin on erik's site.

this weekend. my baby goddaughter's 2nd bday party and possibly moontribe'in it in the desert.

good times all around!

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cyclists - 04.06.07
reader update - 04.04.07
read me - 03.29.07
easter sunday - 03.26.07
shutdown day - 03.23.07

� 2006 by Anthony B. Riva
All Rights Reserved.