the box project
| <<-- : 02.20.03 : -->> |

2:59 p.m.

so i haven't properly shown my appreciation for the boxes asha has sent me. which i'm very sorry for. because here's the story behind it.

i had a really bad day after work on valentine's day. jesse had called, the bank wouldn't give me my money. i get home only to find a package sitting in front of my door. i LOVE getting packages. even if i know that i sent for them! this surprised me, because i had forgotten all about this!

the box is papered with cool magazine clippings and inside were an assortment of random goodies. she included a list, and i still haven't been able to go through everything. but i've been meaning to post it on here. i just haven't gotten to it. this weekend was a little rough on me, but all in good fun.

but, recieving her box on friday, valentine's day, was getting my very own special anti-valentine, amongst the crap i went through just before arriving home. it was great! and i'm very thankful for it! so i made this for you, asha! (i made it at just a lil sumthin sumthin!

and to follow her suggestion, i think i'm going to be sending out boxes of my own! so if anyone would like a box, please let me know!! email me or sign my guestbook. let's send some love out there!

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cyclists - 04.06.07
reader update - 04.04.07
read me - 03.29.07
easter sunday - 03.26.07
shutdown day - 03.23.07

� 2006 by Anthony B. Riva
All Rights Reserved.