my lazy cat, BANG!, and being anti-social
| <<-- : 04.07.03 : -->> |

11:28 a.m.

a quick recap of my weekend:


-did nothing. we were suppose to go out somewhere, but everyone backed out one by one. so i just stayed home.

-attempted to play with my lazy and depressed cat.


-worked for two hours. which was not enough time to get things done. but, since staying would have been unapproved overtime, it would have gone unpaid.

-went to best buy and spent money needlessly and it made me feel better a little bit. (i bought Angel on DVD and "the rules of attraction" on DVD. yay.)

-headed out to cousin lorraine's to hang out with missa for a lil bit.

-talked to shaun on the phone briefly, while driving. (sorry i didn't call you back! i will soon, though!)- we had an interesting conversation about masturbation and whatnot.

-met up with joy to go to a poetry reading at CSULB. -which was okay. she had a small sprite bottle with absolut kuran and tonic that we kept sippin out of. it made it a lot more fun, sad to say. -although the performer in the beginning was kinda cool, and an enthusiastic poet (that was interesting.)

-left early to head out to BANG! (an 80's club in hollywood)-got drunk, had a fucking great time with joy, phi, scott(phi's roomie), and phi's friend. it was great. it was nice to go dancing again. i love electroclash. it was a nice change a pace from our usual hip hop haunts that i've been going to lately. and it was nice to be in a room with at least some gay people.


-woke up late, and cranky, and hungover.

-did one load of laundry (i still have two more. damn)

-missa and rosie came over and we went to BJ's to share a pitcher of beer and eat lunch.

-came back home, watched an episode of Angel while missa downloaded songs

-linnell came over and the four of us went to go get coffee.

-came back home, and everyone left.

-watched t.v. and avoided the phone. for some reason, i felt like being anti-social.

-went to bed.

| <<-- : : -->> |

cyclists - 04.06.07
reader update - 04.04.07
read me - 03.29.07
easter sunday - 03.26.07
shutdown day - 03.23.07

� 2006 by Anthony B. Riva
All Rights Reserved.