| <<-- : 01.29.04 : -->> |

9:42 p.m.

tonight i reminisce about days passed as erik spins his live shoutcast of psychadelic psytrance. he stopped broadcasting awhile back and barely started up again.

i remember those days when we were merely online friends. of course i crushed on his unvailable hottie ass, but it soon led to me going over to his house to watch him spin every week. a friendship with him and soon with his boyfriend, mikey, would later turn out to be something incredible in my life.

erik would attempt to teach me how to spin, but it would just turn out to be a fun hangfest with some really cool new people. erik gave me my first record. i still don't have a player, so i still have yet to put it to use. but i love it all the more. (months later, mikey also gives me a bunch of his old punk records and introduces to me a bunch of new music by burning me CDs.)

erik has brought me to my first moontribe (and only!), my first playa, and is responsible for educating me in the ways of psy and goa trance! he's also a musical genius and can play the guitar and sing the most soothing and alluring folk songs. i remember after his show one night, i curled up on his couch while he sang me simon and garfunkel and wanted to stay forever in that spot. everytime i hear "the scarbourough faire" and frente's version of "bizarre love triangle", i swoon.

the relationship with mikey and erik would bring me a most interesting summer. things may have become a little off between us and we've definitely had our ups and downs, but i'll always care for them with all my heart. i miss them a lot. i miss the good times we had. i owe so much to them. i've explored an entirely new world of people and music and food and parties just by being associated with them. i've found a new love for nature and being active because of them. i am forever grateful.

so as erik rocks cyberspace tonight, i am reminded of how wonderful and fruitful this past year has been for me. (or maybe the psytrance is just bringin back that good ol' E-feeling... no... i'm in school... drugs... baaaaad.)

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cyclists - 04.06.07
reader update - 04.04.07
read me - 03.29.07
easter sunday - 03.26.07
shutdown day - 03.23.07

� 2006 by Anthony B. Riva
All Rights Reserved.